Good Wolf
Ginger Yuzu Probiotic Refresher (4pk)
Ginger Yuzu Probiotic Refresher (4pk)
Crack open this tasty beverage, flavored with cold pressed ginger and yuzu juice. It's a little spicy and so invigorating. It's a take on an old school ginger ale, but with a myriad of health benefits this time around. Don’t settle for a sugary soda pop on your next lunch break, instead snap into a Ginger Yuzu Probiotic Refresher as a thirst-quenching wellness beverage!
Caffeine Free, Diary Free, Vegan
Ingredients: Fermented water kefir* (filtered water, dairy-free kefir cultures*, concentrated apple juice*^, figs* mineral salt), cold-pressed yuzu juice, cold-pressed ginger juice*, apple cider vinegar*, hops*^ cayenne*, reishi dual-extract*, lion's mane dual-extract*.
^PNW Grown
Good Wolf Probiotic Refreshers are fermented here in Portland, Oregon as a smooth alternative to Kombucha with no added sugar and a guaranteed 2 billion probiotic CFU per can